A New Spin On Sweet

Spot Dessert Bar golden toast signature dessert. Covered in honey with a scoop of ice cream and sliced strawberries.
Spot Dessert Bar golden toast signature dessert. Covered in honey with a scoop of ice cream and sliced strawberries.

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Illustration of a delivery man on a motor scooter.

Celebrate With Us

Sweeten up your next event with our Spot Dessert catering options. We bring the dessert bar to your next meeting, gathering and events.

Let's Talk!
Customers patiently waiting at the counter for their order at Spot Dessert Bar.
Chef Ian Kittchai with staff starting a new batch of desserts.
Customers sitting at a table waiting for their order

Brands We Have Worked With

Spot dessert bar has served brand Ippudo world famous ramen house.
Spot dessert bar has served New York University.
Spot dessert bar has served brand Yoon Korean BBQ.
Spot dessert bar has served brand American Express.

Brands We Have
Worked With

Spot dessert bar has served brand Jumanji theme park.
Spot dessert bar has served brand Obao Noodles and BBQ
Spot dessert bar has served brand Soju Haus Korean distilled spirits.
Spot dessert bar has served brand wework.

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